How to Stop Your Setback in Its Tracks
How to Stop Your Setback in Its Tracks
How to Stop a Setback in Its Tracks
It starts small.
Setbacks don’t just happen overnight. They start small and progressively grow into a perceived setback. So, in order to figure out how they’re happening, we need to break down the habits inside of them.
Take inventory of your habits.
Our days are devised of a million different habits. What is your morning routine? What is your evening routine? What are your eating habits? What’s your water intake? Alcohol and caffeine intake? Social media? TV? Self-care routines?
We all… ALL OF US… have good habits and bad habits. And if we’ve lived most of our lives living with the bad habits, they find our weak points and sneak back in. But the thing is, we don’t go from 0 - 60 over night. We eat that one piece of cake for a “cheat day” and then we let ourselves drink a little more alcohol because it’s a weekend. And then all of a sudden it turns into sweets a couple times a week and a little extra alcohol. And now you’re staying up later, too. And you’re sleeping in and skipping your morning routine because you’re tired and you are fully validated in believing sleep is “so important.” All of a sudden you find yourself, sluggish, negative, unregulated in your emotions, unmotivated and 10 pounds heavier.
It snowballs.
Take time to analyze these routines. Think back to past times in your life that you felt like you were in a setback and think of how things begin to unravel in your habits and routines.
For me? It starts with not lotioning after a shower. And then skipping my face skincare routine. And then I start skipping vitamins here and there. And then I have some treats. And then I skip a workout. And before I know it, I’m in a different place than I was. So, it’s essential that I always lotion after showers.
Funny I know, but it’s that one tiny little thread that if I pull on it, the entire sweater will unravel.
What’s your tiny little thread?
And remember. Setbacks aren’t bad. If this happens, it’s just more feedback so you can do even better next time. It’s how we learn more about ourselves.
“Sometimes setbacks are setups. It’s not always about moving horizontally. It’s about moving vertically.” - Janna Cachola
I share a full chapter, Layer One, in my book, Motherhood Stripped on how to devise and create sustainable routines and habits.