Connecting with Your Intuition
Connecting with Your Intuition
Connecting with Your Intuition
Connecting with your intuition can be a scary journey, especially if you feel really disconnected with yourself.
First, what IS intuition?
It is bridging the conscious and unconscious minds. It’s a “knowing” without analytical reasoning. It’s a gut feeling.
It’s also important to recognize that we never lose our intuition. It’s simply that we become disconnected from it. It’s like not talking to an old friend for a while. Some of us will connect and immediately hit it off again, others of us need to get to know each other again before we’re fully rekindled in our relationship.
So, what can you do to rekindle?
Put pen to paper. Writing your thoughts out on paper is what will help your nonconscious mind begin to open up. Not sure what to write about? Write that! Think it’s a dumb idea. Write that! Don’t think you’ll open up writing in a journal. Write that!
Just. Write.
Seems silly I know. And honestly? Most people skip out on any breathwork offered to them. We think it’s pointless. What will a minute of deep breathing do for me?
The answer? A lot. It will do a lot for you. And if you don’t believe it, try it and prove me wrong. Not just one time, but daily for a week or two. Tell me nothing happens. I double dog dare you.
Seriously though, breathing and focusing on your breath brings you into your body and out of your head. And guess what? Intuition lives inside your body. It’s like a little date with your intuition and we need dates to reconnect.
Be Still + Quiet
May as well do this and breathwork all at the same time. We are such a busy society that it feels impossible to be still. We rush from one thing to the next. We even rush into bed and then rush to get up.
Be still for a minute. And quiet. Get off of your phone and just be. It will be uncomfortable, yes, but if you want to have a stronger connection with you intuition, you need to swoon it and give it some attention. This is how. No one likes a date who brings their phone to the table and is on it the whole time. Stop, listen and pay attention.
Connect & Feel
As I write this in a pandemic, it’s hard to get out anywhere, BUT when you ARE around people, connect with them. Feel the energy in the room. You know the saying “you could cut the tension with a knife.”? It’s because we can truly feel the energy.
Make a game of seeing if you can really tap into the energy of those around you in your home. Are they happy, sad, hungry? See if you can figure it out before they tell you. Make it an intuition game and have fun.
It’s the biggest and hardest thing to do. We are so scared to trust our intuition because often, it’s a scary thing. Intuition is the thing that tells us to take courageous action. To make the phone call, ask for a raise, move out of the area, start a new business, have another baby, not have another baby. Intuition, while it will come to you with a flow, often it can feel scary and that’s okay. Trust yourself. The more you take action from your intuition, the more confident you’ll feel doing it.
“The intuitive mind is a faithful gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant.” - Albert Einstein
I love sharing this information and more in my Same Boat Huddle community. Are you in there?