Aligned Energetic Scheduling
Aligned Energetic Scheduling
Friends, this is the holy grail of scheduling. This is a technique I teach in detail to my ladies that are a part of the Layered Growth Academy and in this blog post, you’re going to learn the main steps. Ready? Let’s keep it simple, but I promise even this will give you alignment and structure in your day.
Let’s do this!
First, get the materials needed
Purchase a yearly planner that offers weekly spreads that have the days listed by hour. My favorites are the Passion Planner and Law of Attraction Planner
Get some fun pens if that’s your jam. I love these plain black pens and for some color, these are my favorite
Next, write out 1-3 big goals you have for the next 3 months.
Examples: Lose 5 pounds, make dinners from scratch, start writing a book
Now, break these down into actionable steps! For example, to lose 5 pounds: 1. Drink 100 oz of water a day 2. Make protein smoothies for breakfast each day 3. Work out at least 3x a week
Pick a core desired feeling
How do you want to FEEL in your life? Happy, alive, confident, connected, peaceful, aligned, energetic, soulful. Go ahead and dig here, use your search engine and your heart and find that feeling that you crave the most.
Got it?
Okay, now let’s figure out, how do you actually access those feelings? In your brand new planner, find a back page and list all of the things you can do to access these feelings. I know this can be hard, but tell hard to take a hike and dig deep. Ask other people for ideas. I’ll share mine.
Connected: reading, meditating, family dinner, family walks, alone time, date nights, cooking from scratch, sitting in nature, walking the dog alone, going to the lake, intentional breathing, essential oils …. Just to name a few.
Next up, weekly brain dump. I personally do this on Sunday mornings, but find your day of the week that you do your scheduling and make it your own.
Grab a piece of paper, whatever kind you want, and start to brain dump. You can list things out however you want or categorize them; home, work, kids, money, self, etc. All of the things you need to do this week, unload it onto that paper and get it out of your head.
Where are you in your cycle? Make a note
Remember that as women, it’s imperative that we are following the rhythm of our monthly cycle (or the moon cycle) to honor our energy. If you haven’t read the blog post on this, go ahead and check it out here
Now, schedule
Schedule you first. Add in your morning and evening routine time, schedule your meals and all of your basic needs.
Next, add in an action EVERY DAY that will allow you to access how you want to feel. You have your list written down in the back of your planner, go ahead and grab it. Schedule it. Every. Day.
Yes, we’re still scheduling you. Now, it’s time to add in your daily action to work towards your goal. Did you add in when to drink your water or exercise? Did you schedule time to buy the ingredients for your smoothie? Did you create time in your morning routine to make and drink your smoothie? Maybe add a little habit tracker chart at the bottom of your weekly page.
Now, add in the rest from your brain dump. Add it into time slots or add it to your to do list and block out chunks of time to get certain work done.
“But Erin, there’s not enough time to add in all of the brain dump to-do’s” Delegate or outsource. What can you get rid of? Whether it’s permanently, just for that day, or for the next week
And remember, be sure you schedule in accordance with where you are in your cycle. Take advantage of the high energy weeks and don’t burn out on the low energy weeks.
Execute with Masculine Energy.
I teach all about the different energies in my book, Motherhood Stripped, but in shore, masculine energy is structure and feminine energy is flow.
Every evening, review what is coming up the next day. Know your schedule and the priorities. This will help you feel in control and grounded, also allowing you to sleep more soundly without the running thoughts. Because you brain dumped and you scheduled!
Every morning, do the same. Schedule time, even 5 minutes, in your morning routine to quickly run through your schedule for the day. Have it fresh in your mind and keep your schedule nearby so you can refer to it during your transitions
I personally love using the Passion Daily Planner. It allows me to write out my day’s schedule in more detail, make adjustments where needed and have a set space to brain dump throughout the day, make notes of big ideas, set intentions, etc.
Execute with Feminine Energy.
This is where we allow the flow to come in. As you work through your day, it’s okay to veer off course. You know why? Because you’re in complete control over your schedule and the more you do this, the easier it will be to shift tasks to another spot in order to honor your energy.
Not feeling well? Cross some things off. Walk instead of doing a HIIT workout.
Unexpected stress at work? Grab a take out salad for dinner instead of cooking from scratch.
Up half the night with a kid having nightmares? Sleep in extra, shorten the morning routine, take extra breathing breaks in throughout the day and make bedtime earlier
This execution takes more work and time to master because it’s so much about being in touch with your inner knowing, intuition and the energy in your body.
Next, rinse and repeat.
Consistency is key. This is not a fair-weathered practice. This is a lifestyle.
Want to figure out how to apply this with all of the foundational, healing work that comes before it? Apply for The Layered Growth Academy and you get to work with Erin 1:1 for 4 months. You will peel back the layers of what is creating your anxiety and overwhelm, face your blocks head on, courageously take big action and watch your life become aligned with your greatest desires. Applications open tomorrow, but guess what, you can today.
You can also dig even deeper into understanding the different components that go into Aligned Energetic Scheduling by reading Erin’s book, Motherhood Stripped. It will be released on October 31st! Be the first to know when orders are available by grabbing your book sample and getting on Erin’s email list.